Introduction: Tongue may be a muscular organ related to the perform of intake,taste and speech.It acts as AN simply accessible organ for the assessment of health of a private and shows the state of association of the body.It is aforesaid that tongue is that the mirror of the systema digestorium and any abnormal functioning of the abdomen and intestines are mirrored on the tongue. Some characteristic changes occur within the tongue in some specific diseases.That is why the examination of the tongue is extremely essential and can provide some clues for identification.All doctors examine the tongue and that they think about the changes in size,shape,,colour,moisture,coating,nature of papillae and movements electroconvulsive therapy. Appearance of tongue in some abnormal conditions:- 1) Movements of the tongue:- a) In one facetd disfunction of the body(hemiplegia)tongue moves towards the parylised side once protruded. b) Tremulus movement of the tongue is seen in diseases like gland disease,delirium tremens and parkinsonisum.Tremor is additionally seen in nervous patients. c) In progressive neural structure palsy there'll be wasting and disfunction of the tongue with fibrillation.Eventually the tongue gets shrivelled and lies functionless within the floor of the mouth.This condition is related to actuation of spit and loss of speech. d) In chorea(involuntary lilting movements) the patient might not be able to keep the protruded tongue in rest,it will be moving involuntarily. 2) wetness of the tongue:- The wetness of the tongue provides some indication concerning the state of association of the body.Water volume depletion ends up in peripheral cardiovascular disease defined by weakness,thirst,restlessness,anorexia,nausea,vomiting ,dry and parched tongue. Dryness of the tongue is seen in following conditions. a) symptom b) Later stages of severe malady c) Advanced uremia d) Hypovolumic shock e) heat prostration f) Hyponatraemia g) Acute enteropathy h) Starvation i) Prlonged fast. 3) modification in color of tongue:- a) Central cyanosis:- Cyanosis is that the blue-black discolouration of the mucous secretion membrane owing to decrease within the quantity of element within the blood.This is seen in heart condition,respiratory failure and in hypoxia.In symptom tongue,lips electroconvulsive therapy becomes pale blue-black. b) Jaundice:- This is the yellow discolouration of all mucous secretion surfaces of the body (including tongue)due to extend of haematoidin within the blood.Jaundice is seen in infectious disease,bile duct obstruction,increased destruction of RBCs and electroconvulsive therapy... c) Advanced uremia:- This is the rise of carbamide and different chemical element waste product within the blood owing to renal failure.Here the tongue become brown in color. d) Keto acidosis:- This is the pathology with accumulation of organic compound bodies seen primarily in diabetes.Here the tongue become brown with a typical organic compound smell from the mouth. e) B vitamin deficiency:- Deficiency of this nutrition (vitamin B2) produces megenta color of the tongue with soreness and fissures of lips. f) vitamin B deficiency:- Deficiency of vitamin B (vitamin B3)and another B-complex vitamin vitamins ends up in bright scarlet or robust red tongue. g) Anaemia:- It is the decrease in haemoprotein share of the blood.In severe anaemia tongue becomes pale. 4) Coating on the tongue:- a) dangerous breath:- The main cause for dangerous breath is formation of a pasty coating(bio film) on the tongue that lodges thousands of anaerobic microorganism leading to the assembly of offenssive gases.Those who complain concerning dangerous breath could have thick coating on the posterior a part of the tongue. b) infectious disease fever:- In infectious disease tongue becomes white coared sort of a fur. c) Candidiasis;- It is a mycosis that affects the mucous secretion surfaces of the body.On the tongue there'll be organic process white lesions. d) In polygenic disorder and gland disease there'll be organic process white lesions. e) Secondary syphilis:- Syphilis may be a sexually transmitted morbid caused by trepenoma basal ganglion infection.In secondary stage of this sickness area unit able to} see mucose patches that are painless,smooth white glystening opaline plaques which might not be scraped off simply. f) Leokoplakia:- Here white keratotic patches ar seen on the tongue and mouth.This is a metastatic tumor condition. g) AIDS:- In these patients furry leukoplakia is seen. h) Peritonitis:- It is the inflammation of the peritonium(inner covering of abdomen that additionally covers the intestines and keep them in position) during this condition there's white furring of the tongue. i) Acute illness:- Furring is additionally seen in some acute diseases. 5) Papillae:- These ar little projections on the rongue related to style.There ar totally different variety of papillae on the healthy tongue.In some diseases there ar some abnormal changes that ar following. a) furry tongue:- This condition is owing to elongation of threadlike papillae seen in poor oral hygeine ,general poor shape and dyspepsia. b) Geographic tongue:- Here irregular red and white patches seem on the tongue.These lesions sounds like a geographic map.The excact cause isn't proverbial. c) Median rhomboid glossitis:- In this condition there's swish nodular red space within the posterior middle line of the tongue.This is a inherent condition. d) biological process deficiency:- In nutrional deficiency there's glossitis(inflammation of tongue) resulting in appendage hypertrophy followed by atrophy. e) Benign migratory glossitis:- It is AN inflamatory condition of the tongue wherever multiple doughnut-shaped spaces of shedding of papillae seem on the tongue that shift from space to area in few days. f) B-complex vitamin and B vitamin deficiency:- Deficiency of those vitamins cause enlarged threadlike and fungiform papillae. g) vitamin B and iron deficiency:- In this condition there's atrophy of papillae.Smooth tongue is encountered in iron deficiency. h) fat-soluble vitamin deficiency:- This causes corrugated tongue. i) In biological process pernicious anaemia tongue becomes swish. j) vitamin B complex deficiency:- Here macrocytic pernicious anaemia with redness is seen. k) Cyano coblamine deficiency:- Here redness with macrocytic pernicious anaemia and peripheral pathology is encountered. l) Scarlet fever;- In this strep infection there's bright red papillae standing out of a thick white fur ,later the white coat disappear deed enlarged papillae on the brilliant red surface and is termed strawberry tongue. 6) Ulcers on the tongue:-- a) Apthous ulcer:- These ar spherical painful ulcers seem in stressed people often. is also related to allergic reaction.Usual sites ar tongue,lips,oral membrane and electroconvulsive therapy. b) Herpes simplex:- It is AN acute sac eruptions created by herpes simplex virus.When these vesicles rupture it forms ulcers. c) ulceration in cancer:- Cancerous ulcers ar having everted edges with arduous base.Bleeding is additionally seen.Cancer of the tongue is common in tobacco chewers. d) Syphilitic ulcers:- Syphilitic fissures ar longitudinal in direction.In syph additional reproductive organ sore is seen on the tongue.In syph multiple shallow ulcers ar seen on the beneath surface and sides of the tongue.In syphilis granuloma is also seen on the midplane of the dorsum of the tongue. e) Dental ulcers:- These ulcers ar created by sharp edges of unhealthy teeth.
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